Jim Magro

2022 Professional Practice Hall of Fame Member

Carl Margraf


- BSEE ’88, Purdue University

- MSEE ’90, University of Illinois

Professional Career

Jim Magro is a Senior Fellow at Advanced Micro Devices where he was integral in the development of the G3MX (External Memory Buffer) dual mode memory controller (direct connect and buffered) for the next-generation processor. The G3MX technology is an external memory buffer solution that was critical to AMD’s next-generation memory solution. He was architecture and RTL designer owner for multiple revisions of the DDR and clock generation logic and for the pad I/O RTL development for the Opteron and Athlon 64 microprocessors. Throughout his career at AMD, Magro has been awarded over 40 patents. His expertise in memory systems allows him to run large global teams on AMD’s various product lines.

Co-op Alumnus

- Co-op student at the former Hughes Aircraft Company

- Recruits and mentors Purdue co-op students for AMD

